Enabling Entrepreneurial Impact

Fresh ideas

Communications consultant Ulrike Posselt accompanies people in organizations. Her work focuses on advice and support regarding appreciative communication and team collaboration.

Clearing the way

Breaking through

Navigating with ease

Navigating in a changing world takes courage and power. Uli supports organizations with navigation skills.

Improving expertise

Uli works with German and international clients who seek communication training, and conflict management.

Deciding clearly

Entrepreneurs seek clarity. Uli provides innovative and identity-oriented organizational consulting.

Releasing success

Training, seminars, and lectures on nonviolent communication and innovative organisational decision-making methods.

Inspire action


Uli is a Senior Communications Professional with advanced entrepreneurial and organizational communication knowledge. She supports English- and German-speaking clients in developing their positioning, identity, and communications. Uli focuses on supporting organizations in improving their communications. 

Academic Teaching
Ulrike has been a visiting lecturer for two courses:
– Communication design at The University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm, 2012 – 2016,
– Media design at The University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, 2016.

Academic Research
As a scuba diver, Ulrike is passionate about diving into the sea. She also tends to delve into academic topics. This led to her embarking on doctoral research in a DBA programme at the University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom (School of Business and Technology; part-time) in 2018. In 2020, she transferred to Ph.D.

Professional Education
Ulrike has studied Communication Design and Business Administration.  She is a mediator specialising in organisational issues and a nonviolent communication trainer. 


Strengthen the business for tomorrow

AgrEvo, AIG Europe, Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions Germany, Central Krankenversicherung, Clariant, Degussa Bank, Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, DyStar, Feinkost Dittmann, efiport, European Business School (ebs), Fachhochschulverlag, Falken Verlag, Gesundheits- und Pflegezentrum Rüsselsheim gGmbH, GWV Fachverlage (Verlag B.G. Teubner, Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Gabler Verlag, Mediadaten Verlag, Vieweg Verlag, Zimpel Verlag), Hoechst AG, HVAG (Hoechst Versicherung AG), IMG Innovations- und Management, infraServ, Kompetenzzentrum Erneuerbare Energien Rheingau-Taunus e.V., Lafarge, LII Europe, Luchterhand Verlag, Mazda, MVB (Marketing- und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels), Nutrinova, Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig, Servas Deutschland, TetraPak, thermPhos, Ueberreuter Verlag, VDEW, Vianova Resins, WestLB u.a.

Federal State of Baden-Württemberg/City of Aalen (Limesinformationszentrum Baden-Württemberg, Aalen)
Federal State of Hesse (State Chancellery)
Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate (Ministry of Economics, Department of Innovation)
The Administrative District of Rheingau-Taunus, Hesse


Located in the middle of Germany


Straße des Friedens 17
07381 Pößneck Germany
